以可视化Visual Basic 6.0为程序设计语言,用Flash进行动画制作,以Access、Photshop等为辅助工具,在Windows为操作平台下进行多媒体合成开发,设计出化工原理实验仿真系统。该系统涵盖了化工原理实验教学大纲所要求开设的实验内容,具有实验装置认识、实验操作演示、习题测试、仿真实验操作和实验成绩评定等功能;该软件的特点:实验装置的真实感强,实验操作过程生动逼真,软件操作直观、简便、功能强大,系统采用开放式结构,可对内容补充和升级。运用该软件辅助于实验教学中,对于提高学生的综合素质能力及工程实践能力起到了积极的促进作用。本文介绍了该系统的结构与功能、主要程序设计和特点。
Visual Visual Basic 6.0 as the programming language, animation with Flash, Access, Photshop and other auxiliary tools, under the Windows operating platform for multimedia synthesis and development, the design of the chemical theory experiment simulation system. The system covers the experimental content required by the experimental teaching program of the chemical engineering principle, and has the functions of experimental device understanding, experimental operation demonstration, exercise test, simulation experiment operation and experimental performance evaluation. The software features: the experimental apparatus is highly realistic, Experimental process vivid, intuitive software operation, simple, powerful, the system uses an open structure, content can be added and upgraded. The use of the software to assist in experimental teaching has played a positive role in promoting students’ overall quality and engineering practice. This article describes the structure and function of the system, the main program design and features.