【摘 要】
For Chinese lovers of Harry Potter, July 21 will be a day forthem to rejoice with fans around the world as the seventhand final in the series of adventures rolls off the presses.
For Chinese lovers of Harry Potter, July 21 will be a day forthem to rejoice with fans around the world as the seventhand final in the series of adventures rolls off the presses.
The Chinese central bank has neveracted so aggressively, yet its forcefulundertakings have had little impact onthe surging stock market.
Li Chenggui: I am optimistic aboutChina’s grain balance. China has painfulmemories about famine. Under this kind ofsocial psyche, pressure OB China’s grainsupply tends to be exaggerated, which oftentr
The most impressive view of HongKong still bears the name of tileBritish Empire. From atop VictoriaPeak, under sunshine or night sky,Victoria Bay remains a feast foe thevisitor’s eyes.
“We have sold what had tobe sold and phased outwhat had to be phasedout,” said Orient HomePresident ZhangHongwei sadly in 2005, on the eve of sell-ing 49 percent of the company’s shares toU.S.-based H
“We’ve bribed the examsupervisors, paying eachone 20,000 yuan. Theywill make everything gosmooth during the exams,”Li Feng, ateacher h-om No.2 High School inDancbeng, Henan Province, told underco
Science and technology are theprimers of productivity. This wide-ly cited slogan often attributed toDeng Xiaoping is the key to thesurvival of many private cimpa-nies in Fujian Province.
Michelle Schneider, a 21 yea-oldGerman Christian who worksin China, didn’t expect to findso many cburches open to thcpublic inBeijing.
China has been a unified multiethnic country since ancienttimes. Historical records show that as far back as 221 B.C.,the State of Qin established the first centralized feudalmonarchy in the country,
Li Xiao, 18, is a Beijing girl from amiddle-class family in her last year atmiddle school.
Top Chinese and U.S. economic officials may justi-fiably take some pride in their recently concludedstrategic dialogue. Despite the fact that only a fewminor agreements were reached, they took a furth