Under the action of vehicle load, the fatigue cracking of orthotropic steel bridge deck has a great influence on the fatigue performance and safety performance of the structure, and the complicated welding connection details in the steel bridge deck become the focus area of the crack. Based on the research on the relatively mature AASHTO, Eurocode and Japanese norms in the orthotropic steel bridge deck, combined with the design specifications (draft for review) of the bridge design for the highway steel structure in our country, the stress of the fatigue-sensitive details under the standard fatigue vehicle loads is obtained by numerical analysis Response, and in accordance with the specifications of the details of fatigue strength checking. The calculated results show that the stress amplitude of the fatigue details is sensitive to the axial load. The influence of the longitudinal influence of roof and U-rib details is shorter than the influence of the welding of the diaphragm and the U-rib. The details of roof and U- Department details are more prone to fatigue cracks.