本文对 85例新生儿结膜炎患儿进行沙眼衣原体套式PCR(CT nestedPCR)进行检测。 2 1例CT检测阳性 (2 4.9% ) ,同时对其母亲生殖道分泌物也做了检测 ,结果均为CT阳性。其中 2 0例为阴道分娩 ,1例剖宫产。说明新生儿包涵体结膜炎为母婴传播性疾病。孕期筛查CT ,并给以有效治疗 ,减少新生儿患病率 ,达到优生优育的目的。
In this paper, 85 cases of neonatal conjunctivitis in children with trachoma chlamydia nested PCR (CT nestedPCR) were detected. Twenty-one patients had positive CT (24.9%), and their mother’s genital tract secretions were also tested. The results were positive for CT. Of which 20 cases of vaginal delivery, 1 case of cesarean section. Description of neonatal conjunctivitis conjunctivitis as mother-to-child transmission disease. Pregnancy screening CT, and to give effective treatment to reduce the prevalence of newborns, to achieve the purpose of prenatal and postnatal care.