辽朝立国的年代(916年-1125年)大致与北宋一朝相始终,疆域领有黄河以北的华北、东北地区。当年佛教盛行,高僧辈出,译经刻书,大兴寺塔伽兰,至今佛教文物遗存尚多。 辽王朝虽是以契丹人为统治者,但佛教仍以汉族人信仰为主,故寺塔建筑、佛像制造等仍多出汉
The era of the founding of the Liao Dynasty (916 - 1125) roughly consistent with the Northern Song dynasty, the territory of North China, northeast of the Yellow River. The prevalence of Buddhism in those days, monks in large numbers, translated scriptures, Daxing Temple Tajarat, Buddhist monuments remains so far. Though the Liao dynasty was ruled by the Khitan people, Buddhism is still dominated by the Han nationality. Therefore, there are still many Han dynasties