留心逛市场 “夜光粉”入视野老袁是一个从商10年的生意人,也赚了不少钱,但最近几年市场不景气,生意也越来越难做,他每天心事重重,怎样再去扩展自己的生意呢?一天,他在逛小商品市场时,看到一种发光产品,特别好卖,围观的顾客也不少。老袁回家后反复琢磨,这些材料肯定是加入普通民用产品像刷墙涂料、清漆等涂在墙上,供夜间使用的,这种产品市场需求太大了。比如,公路上的过桥洞、建筑工地的围墙,铁路两侧的广告墙等等。该产品既有安全用途,又有商用价值,而且这一市场在本地几乎是一片空白,利润可想而知。如何寻找发光材料的厂家呢?老袁留意阅览一些报刊杂志,但他看到一些发光夜光粉技术转让费高达几万元,投资大,风险也大。经过半个多月的打听,老袁终于联系到浙江的一家发光粉总代理。
Pay attention to the market “glowing powder” Into the vision Lao Yuan is a businessman from the business for 10 years, but also made a lot of money, but the market downturn in recent years, the business is more and more difficult to do, he every day heavy weight One day, when he was visiting the commodity market, he saw a light-emitting product that was especially good to sell and had many onlookers. Lao Yuan pondering over and over again after returning home, these materials must be added to ordinary civilian products like paint brush walls, varnishes and other painted on the wall for night use, this product market demand is too large. For example, highway bridges, construction site walls, advertising walls on both sides of the railway and so on. The product has both safety and commercial value, and the market in this area is almost a blank, the profit can be imagined. How to find the manufacturers of luminescent materials? Laoyuan pay attention to read some newspapers and magazines, but he saw some luminous glow technology transfer fees up to tens of thousands of dollars, big investment, the risk is big. After more than half a month inquiries, Lao Yuan finally linked to Zhejiang, a distributor of luminous powder.