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“苦菜花”是青年作家馮德英描写抗日战爭的一部長篇小說。他以膠东半島見山区农村为背景,叙述那里的农民在共产党的領导下,“乘日本鬼子还没有扎下根”,就实行武裝暴动,摧毀日寇和反动地主相結合的汉奸政权,建立了抗日根据地,与日寇汉奸展开生死的斗爭。一面有反动地主伪裝进步,潜伏在抗日根据地,从内部进行破坏,配合日寇的殘酷扫蕩,企圖徹底摧毀这塊抗日根据地。更重要的一面是共产党領导了人民,甚 “Bitter flower” is a novel written by young writer Feng Deying during the Anti-Japanese War. In the context of the rural areas in the mountains of Jiaodong Peninsula, he described the peasants there under the leadership of the Communist Party as saying that “taking the Japanese devils has not taken root yet,” they carried out armed insurrections and destroyed the traitor regimes that were a combination of the Japanese invaders and the reactionary landlords. The anti-Japanese base area was established and the struggle against the Japanese invaders was launched. On the one hand, reactionary landlords camouflaged and progressed, lurking in the anti-Japanese base areas, destroying from the inside and cooperating with the brutal crackdown by the Japanese invaders in an attempt to completely destroy this anti-Japanese base area. More importantly, the Communist Party led the people, very
摘要:真实的课堂不存在完全正确的答案,课堂中的错误往往是学生最朴实的想法,教师要善于挖掘错误,并加以正确巧妙地引导,让“错误”因此美丽起来,让课堂因此更加精彩。    关键词:错误;资源;数学课堂    中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)10-080-1    古人云:人非圣贤,熟能无过。学生在学习过程中出现这样那样的错误是再所难免的。作为教师应切切实实地
摘要:课堂提问的重要性不言而喻,只有实施有效的课堂提问,才能最大限度地激发学生的学习热情,培养学生的创新能力,促进学生全面发展。但是在平常的教学活动中,有些教师没有吃透教材,随意提问,完全失去了实效性。本文对当前小学数学课堂中提问存在的问题进行分析,并提出有效提问的策略。    关键词:数学;课堂提问;问题    中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)10-0
摘 要:在小学课堂教育的过程当中,应当将教育的注重点放在学生数学兴趣的培养上面,学生数学思维习惯的养成对于数学学习能力的提升起着至关重要的关键作用,要做到培养数学思维和兴趣的同步性,数学兴趣的培养在其中起到了核心和关键的作用。兴趣培养与数学思维之间是相互联系的,只有在二者综合运用的基础上才能够最大限度提升小学数学教学的效率,使得学生的学习思维得到扩展和延伸,维持其对学习的好奇心,在发现问题的过程当