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市场经济是一种契约经济、信用经济,信用是市场经济基本准则,无论我们是从事商品交易活动,还是参与市场竞争,无不体现着信用关系、契约关系,市场经济的发展史充分说明了越趋于完备的市场经济,对人们的诚信度要求越高,反之诚信度越高的企业,在市场经济中更具有竞争力。去年我公司被国家工商总局授予全国“守合同重信用”企业称号;最近,中国建设银行温州分行给我公司授信3个亿。我公司各级各类荣誉共拿了270多个,国家级的就有近20个。之所以能成为中国皮鞋行业的龙头企业,成为“中国真皮领先鞋王”,这与康奈在二十多年的发展进程中始终坚持诚信经营是分不开的。 Market economy is a contract economy, credit economy, credit is the basic norms of the market economy, whether we are engaged in commodity trading activities, or participate in market competition, all reflect the credit relations, contractual relations, the history of market economy fully illustrates the more In a complete market economy, the higher the people's integrity requirements, whereas the higher the credibility of the enterprise, in the market economy more competitive. Last year, our company was awarded the title of “Shou contract re-credit” by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Recently, Wenzhou Branch of China Construction Bank granted 3 billion credit to our company. Our company has won more than 270 honors and honors at all levels and nearly 20 at the national level. The reason why China Leather can become the leading enterprise in the leather industry and become “the leading leather shoe king in China” is inseparable from Cornell's persistent good faith management in the course of more than 20 years of development.
从原本被认为“在IT上花钱太少”到被IT厂商追捧并承认有足够大的作为客户的商业价值,客观上让中小企业群体变得更加看得见、有声音、有分量了。 From the original was con
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