Objective: To evaluate tubal patency using hysterosalpingography after clinical treatment of tubal pregnancy. Method: Of 80 patients who underwent hysterosalpingography after clinical treatment of tubal pregnancy from April 1994 toFebruary 2002, 30 were treated with a single 50 mg/m2 dose of methotrexate intramuscularly (n=30) and 50 were followed up expectantly. Results: Patency of the ipsilateral tube was 84% after methotrexate treatment and 78% after expectant management. In addition, contralateral tubal patency was 97% after methotrexate treatment and 92% after expectant management. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups. Conclusion: Findings from this study suggest similar tubal patency rates after methotrexate treatment and expectant management.
Objective: To evaluate tubal patency using hysterosalpingography after clinical treatment of tubal pregnancy. Method: Of 80 patients who underwent hysterosalpingography after clinical treatment of tubal pregnancy from April 1994 to February 2002, 30 were treated with a single 50 mg / m2 dose of methotrexate intramuscularly Results: Patency of the ipsilateral tube was 84% after methotrexate treatment and 78% after expectant management. In addition, contralateral tubal patency was 97% after methotrexate treatment and 92% after expectant management. There are no statistically significant differences between the groups. Conclusion: Findings from this study suggest similar tubal patency rates after methotrexate treatment and expectant management.