以“高垄平台”耕作体系为研究基础 ,制定了“高台大豆”生产的农业机器系统 ,并与传统“垄作大豆”生产机器系统进行比较 ,设计了技术经济评价指标体系 ,对“高台大豆”农业机器系统的技术、经济性能进行评价分析。为推广应用“高垄平台”耕作体系及相应的农业机器系统提供理论参考
Based on the farming system of “high-ridge platform”, the agricultural machine system of “Gaotai Soybean” was formulated and compared with the traditional “ridge-soybean production” machine system. The technical and economic evaluation index system was designed, Agricultural machinery system technology, economic performance evaluation analysis. Provide theoretical reference for popularizing and applying “high ridge platform” tillage system and corresponding agricultural machine system