近年在浙江省杭州地区发现甘薯种植中出现黄化症状,一般在春天甘薯苗期和秋季气温降低时表现嫩叶黄化。而在夏季高温季节症状不明显,在田间很难找到。这种只在春秋季节顶叶表现黄化现象与在福建省报道的甘薯丛枝病所表现的症状(节间缩短、植株矮化、叶子变小、分枝增加)完全不同。 1985年秋天,在浙江省农科院作物所甘薯育种苗床里,除少数杂种第一代实生苗外,有600多个品种普遍发生黄化现象。其中几
In recent years in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, found in the sweet potato plantings appear yellow symptoms, usually in spring sweet potato seedling and lower temperatures when the performance of young leaves yellowing. In the hot summer season symptoms are not obvious in the field is difficult to find. This phenomenon of yellowing of the parietal lobe during the spring and autumn is completely different from the symptoms (shortened internodes, dwarfed plants, smaller leaves, increased branches) exhibited by the sweetpotato witches broom disease reported in Fujian Province. In the autumn of 1985, in addition to the first-generation seedlings of a few hybrids, there were more than 600 yellowing phenomena commonly occurring in sweet potato seedling beds of the crop institute of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. A few of them