CRISPR-Cas13a mediated nanosystem for attomolar detection of canine parvovirus type 2
【出 处】
The electrochemical advanced oxidation processes coupling of oxidants for organic pollutants degrada
The electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs) have been extensively applied in the treatment of organic pollutants degradation. Herein, the mini revi
Lignocellulosic biomass is an abundant and environment-friendly source for renewable energy production. The value and application of biochar, which is obtained
Non-Line-of-Sight(NLOS)Ultraviolet(UV)communication uses the atmosphere as a propagation medium.As the communication range increases,turbulence becomes a signif
The present study considers wave scattering phenomena around a cylindrical island mounted on a general axi-symmetric topography or a general submerged truncated
Design of a 1,8-naphthalimide-based OFF-ON type bioorthogonal reagent for fluorescent imaging in liv
A novel 1,8-naphthalimide-based OFF-ON type fluorogenic sydnone (Naph-Syd) is designed as bioorthogonal probe for imaging. Sydnone moiety efficiently quenches t
A facile approach has been adopted for coating cross-linked polystyrene (PS) shells on the surface of Fe3O4 magnetic clusters using reflux-precipitation polymer
一、引言 1982年作者在英国提出了一个基于模式识别的参数估计的新方法。本文旨在探索这一方法在检出多变量随机过程动态漂移方面应用的可能性,因为在化学工业中具有随机输
虫子是童年的活玩具。 说一趣事,去年夏天和诗人苏姑娘在黄山写作,早上开门,差点踩中槛边大虫,虫子之大之丑之怪,虽我见多识广,也顿觉魂飞魄散。昆虫是女诗人的天敌,她当即吓哭,跑得远远的,想起来便茶饭不进。我好奇心重,凑近去看那从没见过的怪物,身体比蟑螂大几倍,圆润肥厚,头顶一只怪角,泛着恶心的油光。服务员轻松地捏走它,笑城里人胆子小,玩虫子长大的我不觉有点羞愧。 没见过iPad、电子游戏、小汽车