
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fxily
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数学教学是基于学生已有经验基础上的师生互动过程,其中“学生是学习活动的主体者,教师仅是主导者”。然而在教学实践中,许多教师往往以成人的眼光思考数学问题,从“教”的角度设计学生的数学学习活动,而忽略了用学生的眼光思考数学,造成教与学脱节、断层,导致教学盲目,内耗增大。下面笔者以“求一个数比另一个数多几”为例,谈谈在数学教学中,如何关注学情,提升教学质量。1教学实例案例A:教师根据教材例题(P21例6),用课件创设了学生“套圈 Mathematics teaching is based on the experience of students based on the process of teacher-student interaction, where ”students are the main body of learning activities, teachers are only the dominant.“ However, in the practice of teaching, many teachers tend to think mathematics problems from an adult perspective and design the students’ mathematics learning activities from the perspective of ”teaching“, while neglecting to think mathematics from the perspective of students, resulting in the disconnection between teaching and learning, Lead to teaching blind, increased internal friction. The following author to ”find a number more than the number of a few“ as an example, talk about mathematics teaching, how to pay attention to learning, improve teaching quality. A teaching case Case A: According to the teaching example (P21 case 6), the teacher created the student ”ferrule