1958年12月21日至22日,彭德怀同志在湖南省委书记谭余保的陪同下来到平江。他这次回平江是想亲眼看看和了解建国以后,特别是在公社化、大跃进中,平江的生产和人民生活情况,应该吸取哪些经验教训。 他深入到公社、县人民医院、县工农业展览馆和平江一中(即原“天岳书院”,是30年前彭德怀在平江起义的驻地),并和师生们进行亲切的交
From December 21 to December 22, 1958, Comrade Peng Dehuai came to Pingjiang accompanied by Tan Yubao, secretary of Hunan Provincial Party Committee. He returned to Pingjiang this time to see with his own eyes and understand what experiences and lessons should be learned after the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially during the commune and the Great Leap Forward, the production of Pingjiang and the people's living conditions. He went to the commune, county people's hospital, county industrial and agricultural exhibition hall and Pingjiang one (formerly known as “Tianyue Academy”, Peng Dehuai Penghuai in the Pingjiang Uprising 30 years ago), and friendly exchange with teachers and students