深刻把握三个关键点 推动党员干部现代远程教育向高校拓展延伸

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大连市党员干部现代远程教育中心积极推进远程教育与高校党建有机对接,在大连海事大学27个院系设站建点,构建立体式、交互式党员教育体系,填补了全省党员干部现代远程教育在高校党建工作领域的空白。大连市党员干部现代远程教育中心积极推进党员干部现代远程教育增点扩面工程,在大连海事大学27个院系设站建点,实现对该校两级党组织的全面覆盖,在省内率先将党员干部现代远程教育送进高校。找好契合点,实现党员干部现代远程教育与高校党建的完美对接。针对高校师生文化素质高、接受信息技术快的特点,推动 Dalian Modern Distance Education Party members and cadres to actively promote the distance education and party building organic docking, Dalian Maritime University 27 faculties set up stations to build three-dimensional, interactive party member education system to fill the province’s party members and cadres of modern distance education The gap in the field of party building in colleges and universities. Dalian Modern Distance Education Party members and cadres actively promote the modern distance education party members and cadres increased by expanding the project, Dalian Maritime University 27 faculties set up stations to achieve the full coverage of the two levels of party organizations in the province, the first in the province Party members and cadres will be sent to colleges and universities modern distance education. Find a good fit point, and realize the perfect connection between the modern distance education of party members and cadres and the party building in colleges and universities. Facing the high cultural quality of teachers and students in colleges and universities and accepting the fast information technology, they are promoted
女儿童童参加幼儿园汇演,表演完后对我说:“妈妈,我不想洗脸,我要回家跟爷爷视频,让他看看我化妆的漂亮脸蛋。”不到4岁的小不点儿,就这么爱臭美了。  到家以后我到厨房做饭,让童爸陪她在客厅和爷爷视频。  做好饭,我问童童:“视频完了?爷爷怎么说的?”“嗯,爷爷说,童童真棒,真漂亮。”童童一边翻着绘本,一边说。  一旁的童爸听后,严厉地说:“你的谎话怎么张口就来呢?”原来,爷爷的网络出现问题,童童根本
办事效率低:记忆力明显下降,好忘事,优柔寡断,缺少朝气,做一件事总要磨磨蹭蹭,一拖再拖。竞争意识退化:对事业没有创新思维,常感到空虚 Low efficiency: memory significant
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