東北科學研究所於1948年末成立,1952年8月改作中國科學院東北分院長春綜合研究所和工業化學研究所。由於黨的正確領導及全體职工的努力,三年多來除進行了恢復與重建工作,逐漸充實了研究工作的設備與條件外;並配合經濟建設開展了研究工作,獲得了若干成績。茲將主要的成績分述如下: 1.垂直磁力探矿仪試製成功:垂直磁力探礦儀是地質勘察及探矿的重要儀器,以往完全仰賴
Northeast Institute of Science was established in late 1948, 1952 August changed to Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun Institute of integrated research and Institute of Industrial Chemistry. Due to the correct leadership of the party and the efforts of all staff and workers, more than three years have been carried out in addition to the restoration and reconstruction work, and the equipment and conditions of the research have been gradually enriched. Research work carried out in cooperation with economic construction has yielded some achievements. The main achievements are as follows: 1. Vertical magnetic prospecting machine trial success: vertical magnetic prospecting instrument is an important instrument of geological prospecting and prospecting, in the past completely dependent