Probe on Compiling of English Linguistics Textbooks for Independent Colleges

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  【Abstract】The paper mainly focuses on two textbooks that widely used by students of English in independent colleges. One is Linguistics. A New Course book edited by Professor Hu Zhuanglin of Peking University, the other is A New Concise Course on Linguistics for Linguistics for Students of English, which was written by professor Dai Weidong and He Zhaoxiong. What will be discussed are the suggestions on the compiling of English linguistics textbooks for students of English in independent colleges.
  【Key words】English linguistics textbooks; compiling
  1. Priority to Problem-solving
  According to “the syllabus for English majors in universities and colleges” (2005), students of English in 21st century are required to have such abilities: the ability to acquire knowledge, apply knowledge, analyze problems, show viewpoints independently and ability to innovate something. Among those abilities, ability of innovation is particularly important. As far as Linguistics textbooks are concerned, for cultivating students’ ability of acquiring knowledge, it is necessary to point out some important references and list some useful linguistic websites, in order to supply sources for further knowledge acquisition. At the same time, it is indispensable to introduce some research methods of linguistics, enable students to obtain first-hand knowledge.
  To cultivate students’ ability of applying knowledge, the fundamental way is to put theory into practice. Based on it, the content of linguistics textbook should own practicality. The materials or examples that are familiar or interesting to students should be selected to explain linguistic theories. The author found textbooks compilers often directly quote original sentences in academic works without taking the cultural backgrounds differences between textbooks users and foreign students into account (Zhou Jun, 2007).
  2. Readability and Workability for Independent Study
  Attention should be paid to the readability of textbook, with the aim to be convenient for student to learn by themselves. For being readable, compilers may be aware of avoiding “too simplified”, because excessive simplification often causes students’ misunderstanding and may not promote students’ self-study. Compilers may learn from foreign teaching materials, which put the clarity and readability in significant position. Narrative language should be simple, avoiding using obscure language as far as possible. Each chapter and their internal structure should also be closely linked in order to be a whole system. The difficulty of questions set in the beginning and ending can be slightly higher than the level of students. Moreover, it is necessary to take the content of instruction of linguistics extracurricular practice into consideration, which may enhance the practicability.   In addition, while retaining the original essence of teaching content, absorbing the latest achievements in the development of linguistics is essential. Thus, teachers can reference the original system, and add new knowledge in preparing lesson plans.
  3. The application of multimedia technology
  In the traditional linguistic teaching, because of limited hardware condition, the multimedia course wares which support the concerned textbook are rare. There is just one way to solve the problem. That is developing the multimedia courseware of linguistics, and applying it to linguistic teaching. By the means of multimedia teaching in linguistics course, students’ senses of sight and sound may be cultivated. Not only will the language information input increases greatly in quantity, but the quality has greatly improved (Zhang Yining, 2006). Teachers should make courseware according to their own will, textbooks and linguistic teaching content, connecting the content of courseware with teachers’ teaching complement closely.
  Thus, for the construction of linguistics textbooks, the application of multimedia technology should be taken into account. Currently, linguistics textbooks that make full use of modern education technology in teaching process are very rare. Linguistics. A New Course book (Third Edition) provides Chinese edition and network edition, which fills the blank of network textbooks of English linguistics and meets the need of multimedia teaching of English linguistics course(Li Ke, Li Shukang,2008).
  *该论文系延安大学西安创新学院校级科研计划资助项目(No. JG1511)“基于语料库的独立学院非英语专业英语词汇教学模式探究”阶段性成果。
【摘要】《老友记》作为美国经典的幽默情景喜剧之一、将其带入我国英语听说教学课堂对培养学生英语听说能力具有十分重要的影响,而为了更深入的了解《老友记》语言特点在英语教学中的指导意义,接下来本文将对其进行详细的分析和探究,以供今后培养学生英语听说能力参考使用。  【关键词】老友记 幽默诙谐 英语教学 听说能力  一、浅析《老友记》语言特色  《老友记》又称为《六人行》,它是美国经典情景喜剧系列一。从1
【摘要】英语对于医专学生来说是一门重要的课程,关系着医专学生未来工作与学习,而目前医专英语教学中学生出现厌烦心理,不能主动参与英语学习,从而影响其整体发展。文章主要针对医专学生英语厌学心理的产生原因进行分析,并提出了相应的解决措施。  【关键词】医专学生 英语学习 厌学心理 解决对策  英语是世界上使用最广泛的一种语言,其作为医专学生的一门必须科目,对学生未来的发展具有重要的影响。其学习能够反映医
【摘要】职业高中英语教师要帮助学生建立信心,找回学习激情,帮助学生成长。在英语教学中课堂导入环节需要教师注重策略,让学生更加愿意参与课堂。本文结合课堂导入原则,提出几点英语教学课堂导入策略,帮助学生快速成长。  【关键词】职业高中 课堂导入 策略  职业高中学生因为在初中的学习过程中落后别人一步,所以在高中学习就会更加自卑和吃力,尤其在英语学习中。所以,在英语课堂导入中需要遵循一些原则,才能更加有
玩一个小游戏才是正经事  我一直认为好产品是自己会说话的,所以这几年我们从来没有开过自己的发布会。  很早以前的微信有一個版本,启动页是一个大幕,然后大幕拉开出现一些文字。我一直认为,这才是微信的发布会,每次新版本出现也就是我们想要表达的东西。就像这次我们在启动页里说,玩一个小游戏才是正经事。  为什么说玩一个小游戏才是正经事?对我来说,这是一个很放松的方式,我很期待这样的小游戏,它简单到让你有一
【摘要】本文在分析了学生英语学习需求理论的基础上,指出了目前大学英语教学过程中存在的问题,并以学生英语学习需求为出发点,针对不同的问题提出了不同的解决策略,希望通过文章的论述,能够使当前大学英语的教学现状得到改革,同时使教学效果以及学生的学习水平均能够得到最大程度的提高。  【关键词】学生 英语学习需求 大学英语教学  前言  英语是大学课程中的主要组成部分,其目的在于在中学英语学习的基础上,进一
【摘要】英语是中等职业学校开设的必修课之一。英语教材是课堂英语教学的主要依据,也是广大英语教师在教学实践中最关心的问题之一。本文通过对教材进行文本分析和使用现状分析,找出其优势和不足,并对如何合理的使用教材提出自己的看法和建议。  【关键词】中职英语 教材 评价 教学建议  一、引言  课堂教学是我国外语教学的主要形式,而教材则是课堂教学的主要依据和内容,是教学实践的有效工具。Hutchinson