我校于1985年夏季,用半年生柠檬苗作砧木,嫁接年桔3000多株,接活率达91%。1986年2月出圃时,苗高32—67厘米,平均高44厘米,地径0.8—1.6厘米。半数以上苗木有2—3个分枝,基本符合出圃标准。现简要介绍我们的做法: 1.培育半年生砧木苗。1985年1月10日用充分木质化的柠檬苗枝条,截成10厘米长的枝段作插穗,上部留1叶片,插于稻田。株行距3×6寸。插后淋水,并于4月下旬、5月中旬、6月上旬施速效肥各1次。到嫁接时,凡粗度达0.4—0.9厘米的可作砧木用。
My school in the summer of 1985, with semi-annual lemon seedlings as rootstock, grafted more than 3000 annual oranges, the survival rate of 91%. In February 1986 when nursery, seedlings 32-67 cm high, an average height of 44 cm, diameter 0.8-1.6 cm. More than half the seedlings have 2-3 branches, basically in line with the standard nursery. Now briefly introduce our approach: 1. Cultivation of semi-annual rootstock seedlings. January 10, 1985 with full lignified lemon shoots, cut into 10 cm long branches for cuttings, the upper leaves 1, inserted in the rice fields. Line spacing 3 × 6 inch. After plugging water, and in late April, mid-May, early June Shi fertilizer each 1 times. To grafting, where the roughness of 0.4-0.9 cm can be used as stock.