沈光伟1950年生于山东潍坊市,现任山东艺术学院美术系教授、中国美术家协会会员。作品曾入选“当代中国画展”、“第八届全国美展”、“庆祝建军七十周年全国美展”、“全国首届花鸟画展”.“99悉尼中国艺术展”、“中华世纪之光·中国画名展”等全国大型美展。1985年以来曾先后在北京、法国莱恩艺术中心,奥地利维也纳、普和拜格, 美国洛杉矶、圣地亚哥等地举办个人画展和讲学。1995年获美国东方文学艺术基金会颁发的“杰出艺术家”奖。1999年获联合国教科文“世界和平教育者” 奖(安南签署)。2000年、2002年分别入编中央美术学院主持评选编撰的中国美术当代史研究《今日中国美术》。2001年入编新华社编撰的中国画名家大型画集《画坛巨擘》。2002年《写意画花·梅花紫藤》(专著)由荣宝斋出版社出版。2004年《是花是草》(系列一、二、三、四)入选文化部、中国画研究院主办的“东方之韵--当代中国画展探索展”。
Shen Guangwei Born in Weifang, Shandong in 1950, Shen Guangwei is currently a professor of fine arts at the Shandong Art Institute and a member of the Chinese Artists Association. His works have been selected into “Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition”, “Eighth National Art Exhibition”, “National Art Exhibition to Celebrate the Seventieth Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”, “National First Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition”. “99 China Art Exhibition in Sydney ”, “ Chinese century light Chinese famous exhibition ”and other large national exhibitions. Since 1985, he has held solo exhibitions and lectures in Beijing, Lyon Art Center in France, Vienna, Austria, Purwig, Los Angeles and San Diego. In 1995 by the American Oriental Literature and Art Foundation awarded “Outstanding Artist ” award. In 1999 by the UNESCO “world peace educator ” award (Annan signed). 2000, 2002, respectively, into the Central Academy of Fine Arts, presided over the selection of the compilation of contemporary Chinese art research “Today’s Chinese Art.” In 2001 into the Xinhua News Agency compiled Chinese painting masters large painting “giant painting”. 2002 “Freehand drawing flower Plum Wisteria” (Monograph) published by Rong Bao Zhai Press. In 2004, “Flowers Are Grass” (Series I, II, III and IV) was selected for the “Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Paintings” by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Painting Academy.