平时经常听到“档案人员不被重视”的议论,有许多档案人员怨声叹气,认为这辈子走错了门路。 平心而言,由于历史的原因和社会档案意识的薄弱,忽视档案工作、轻视档案人员的情况还相当普遍。但是档案工作是各项工作的基础,各种档案信息在档案室汇总,档案人员在这个天地里是可以大有作为的。 我就职的单位是上海著名的设计院,上海的许多大型公共建筑都出自我院设计师的手笔,于是,我所
Often hear the “archivists are not taken seriously,” the argument, there are many archivists complained sigh, that this life the wrong way. To be fair, due to historical reasons and the weak awareness of social archives, neglect of archival work and disdain of archivists are quite commonplace. But the file work is the basis of all work, a variety of file information in the file room summary, file personnel in this world can do a lot. My inaugural unit is the famous Design Institute in Shanghai. Many large public buildings in Shanghai come from the designers of our institute. Therefore,