Literary formalism originated from the decline of philosophy (phenomenology) after World War II, which is closely related to the emergence of structuralism in the field of thought. Sutter once declared some phenomenological formalism in “Situation I”, but his post-war philosophy of practice and intervention theory led to the weakening of the form of his works and became the weakest link in the structuralist attacks. Derrida sought to retrieve the supreme philosophical condemnation of structuralism by denouncing structuralism as a threat to create behavior and exposing the structuralist technicalism in the name of Nietzsche and Heidegger, but at the same time he deconstructed logocentrism by means of literary formalism. Jacobson defined the poetic behavior as the projection of the vertical axis of convergence on the horizontal axis, and effectively formalized Heidegger’s phenomenological definition of “poetic space”. Bart reveals that the ideological system of production and reproduction is a system of specific semiotics that is governed entirely by the fact of a language structure that subverts and perfects Sartre’s thinking. It can be said that literary formalism invaded the philosophical space and pushed philosophy to expand its own boundaries, thus renovating the problem domain of philosophy.