In the third series of “Cultural History Series”, there is an article entitled “Before and after Zhou Zuoren’s bid for the enemy.” The article said that in the two years between 1941 and 1942, there were seven major criminal activities conducted by Zhou Zuoren as a senior officer. As many as an average of three and a half months, can not be said not hard. One of the most bloody, is the enemy’s pseudo-security and security every move, Zhou Zuoren are actively involved, many times personally to the “security area” to carry out “inspection.” In the most ugly and shameful time, in May 1942, Zhou Zuoren attended the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People Republic of China with Wang Ching-wei as his “Manchukuo” pseudo-state and attended the so-called “East Asia Education Conference.” There December 9, 1942, Zhou Zuoren to the so-called