端正思想认识,防止屡改屡犯李虞庚(原中国石油天然气总公司总工程师) 作为石油人,如何合理开发油气田,关键是要有正确的思想路线。在我国油气田开发历程中,有些问题是屡改屡犯,屡见不鲜。如“采过头油”,大家都知道其危害,在工作中吃过这种亏后也开始注意,但搞着搞着就采过了。在建国50多年的油气田开发实践中,一些老错误屡犯屡改,屡改屡犯,这其中的原因值得好好总结。
As a petroleum man, how to correct development of oil and gas fields and correct the ideological line is the key to correct our thinking and prevent the repeated recidivism of Li Yugeng (formerly Chief Engineer of China National Petroleum Corporation). In the course of development of oil and gas fields in our country, some problems have been repeatedly changed repeatedly, which are not uncommon. Such as “mining over the first oil,” we all know the dangers of this loss in the work began to pay attention, but engaged in the practice of mining adopted. During the more than 50 years of oil and gas field development in the founding of the People’s Republic of China, some old mistakes made repeated mistakes and repeated mistakes were made in repeated mistakes. The reason for this is worthy of a good summary.