The Distribution of Central Verbs in Different Types of Literary Works

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  【Abstract】Using Corpus-based software called anctonc3.2.1 to analysis English Modal verbs’ distribution in Growing Pains which is an America famous Situation Comedy, and Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe used the first person.We can find that there is a big association between variant degrees of modal verbs and the type of context.The analysis of Corpus-based software, we will analyze the distribution of modal verbs in Situation Comedy and works written by the first person.
  【Key words】Modal verbs; Modality values; Situation Comedy; the first person works
  I. The Introduction
  1. The Brief Introduction of Modality
  Modality is a hot topic which linguistics circle discussed often. In a context, modality can be expressed through modal verbs, modal adjunct, degree adverbs.The emergence and development of corpus linguistics makes it more convenient to analyze any types of contexts.Biber et al found modal verbs have different distribution features in different contexts.This paper uses the Anctonc3.2.1, taking Growing Pains as an example to explore the distribution of modal verbs and it’s reason in situation comedy, Biber et al sorted modal verbs into three types according to their using situation and frequency.
  2. The Selection of Linguistic Data
  Growing Pains is a famous American Situation Comedy uses lots of daily conversations which are colloquial and humorous.It has 217025 words and there are 2053 modal verbs in it.
  3. The Analysis of Result
  From statistics, there are 9 central modals in the following table.
  We can see that the highest frequency of central modals is can, t, and must is the last.
  II. The Analysis of Robinson Crusoe
  From statistics, there are 9 central modals which is can, could, would, will, should, need, might, may, must.The frequency of these words in the following table.
  In Robinson Crusoe, ‘could’is the most while Growing pains which ‘can’ is the most.
  1. The Reason Why ‘could’ is the Most
  Robinson Crusoe is written in the first person, and this work is about his memories in an island that used the past tense.So‘could’ is the most used in it.While Growing Pains is a situation comedy which used the present tense, that is why ‘can’ is the most used central modals.In literary works about situation comedy or written in the first person, the frequency of ‘can’ or ‘could’ is the most.
  2. The Comparison of ‘Must’ in the Two Works   From the above two tables, we can see that ‘must’ in Growing Pains only appears 42times.Because it is an America situation comedy, the main characters are friends or relatives, their relationship is very close, the mood of ‘must’ is too strong for them.But Robinson Crusoe’s main character is Robinson alone in an island, so he can use the highest value modal verbs to talk to himself to give him confidence and faith, so that is the reason why the use of ‘must’ is larger than Growing Pains.Defoe used ‘must’ always appears in the conversation talked to himself to encourage himself in tough situation.We also talk to ourselves to persuade to do something in our daily lives.
  III. The Conclusion
  Through the comparison of two different literary works, we can easily get the distribution of modality verbs are different in varies types of literary works.In our daily life we may use lower value modal verbs, such as can, may, would.While in literary works written in the first person which the result usually different, the distribution of central modal verbs are totally different.We should choose the certain modal verbs when talking with different people.
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