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金秋送爽,硕果飘香,10月15日清晨7:00,体育中心彩旗飘扬,在激昂的运动员进行曲中,一支支服装艳丽、朝气蓬勃的代表队依次登场。温州市职业中等专业学校第27届田径运动会举行了隆重的开幕式。温州市教育局安晋副局长、李珍阳处长等领导出席了开幕式。职专的开幕式也有着职专的特点,此次开幕式进场仪式,各个学部结合自己的专业各显身手,浓郁的专业特色渲染着这片运动场。只见运动员方阵有提着工具箱集体亮相的,有在现场作画、写书法的,有翻着跟斗上场的……同学们用自己精彩的表演和技能,尽展中职教育的特殊风采,博得了现场热烈的掌声。 Fall autumn, fruit fragrance, October 15 at 7:00 in the morning, sports center flags fluttering in the passionate athletes march, a branch of costumes gorgeous, vibrant team debut in turn. The 27th Athletic Games of Wenzhou Vocational Secondary School was held a grand opening ceremony. Wenzhou Municipal Education Bureau deputy director of Anjin, Director Li Zhenyang and other leaders attended the opening ceremony. Vocational opening ceremony also has the characteristics of vocational school, the opening ceremony of the ceremony, all departments combined with their own professional show off, rich professional features render this stadium. I saw the athlete square carrying a toolbox collective debut, there are on-site painting, writing calligraphy, turning a tug of war ...... Students with their wonderful performances and skills, to develop the special style of secondary vocational education, Won live warm applause.
有效性是现代化教育教学的本质,也是现阶段我国课程改革的中心理念,但在新课程的前提下,我国初中英语课堂教学在实践教育过程中存在教学效率低下的现象,因此对初中英语课堂教学有效性策略的分析,可以不断加强学生自主思维能力,实现对英语课程问题的不断探索,从而不断提高自身的英语水平。  1. 初中英语课堂教学效率低下的原因分析   课堂教学目标缺乏明确性。在大多数初中英语课堂教学中,教师并不能针对教学内容与教