Distinctions of dendritic behavior influenced by constant pressure and periodic pressure

来源 :中国铸造 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanchao0424
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The distinctions of dendritic morphology and sidebranching behavior when solidified under atmosphere pressure, constant pressure which is higher than atmosphere pressure (hereinafter referred to as constant pressure) and periodic pressure were investigated using 3-D phase field method. When growing at atmosphere pressure, side branches (secondary dendritic arms) are irregular. When solidified under constant pressure with a relatively high value, side branches are much more luxuriant, with more developed high-order side branches. When applied with periodic pressure, resonant sidebranching happens, leading to many more regular side branches and the smallest secondary dendritic arm spacing (SDAS) in the three cases. The significant difference in dendritic morphology is associated with tip velocity modulated by total undercooling including pressure and temperature undercooling. In the case of constant pressure, tip velocity increases linearly with total undercooling, and it varies periodically in periodic pressure case. The different variation trend in tip velocity is the reason for the distinct dendrite growth behavior in different cases. Unlike the phenomenon in constant pressure case where the dendrite grows faster with higher pressure, the dendrite grows slower under periodic pressure with higher amplitude, resulting in less developed primary dendrite and side branches. This is influenced by tip remelting due to low undercooling or even negative undercooling. It is revealed that the accelerated velocity of tip remelting increases with the decline of undercooling. The greater the amplitude of periodic pressure, the faster the tip remelting velocity during one period. This is the reason why the average tip velocity decreases with the rise of amplitude of periodic pressure.
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摘 要:元认知(Metacognition)的概念最早是在20世纪70年代由美国心理学家J. H. Flavell提出的。我们在高职高专英语阅读课堂教学上对元认知知识策略用实践,借此培养学生对元认知知识的了解,从而提高学生们的阅读水平。  关键词:元认知策略;英语阅读教学  在人类认识知识的过程中,阅读算是一门最基本最简单最重要,使用率最频繁的学习方式。目前,我国的学术专家正在研究如何把元认知知识
以我国寒冷地区某农村住宅为应用对象,基于峰谷电价,采用费用年值法和寿命周期内投资法分析水蓄热型空气源热泵系统在不同蓄热温度下的供暖经济性.结果 表明:当蓄热温度为50
  目的 优化巴戟天的软化和切制工艺.方法 以甲基异茜草素-1-甲醚、水晶兰苷、和耐斯糖为指标,选择加水量、闷润时间、闷润温度、切段长度为因素,采用正交设计法法对巴戟天
  目的 本实验是通过正交实验的方法考察不同的软化切制工艺对丹参中各种成分的影响,以期得到切制丹参的最佳炮制工艺. 方法 按《中国药典》2010版中浸出物及含量测定方法,