作文范围写一篇以人物为主的记叙文作文要求围绕中心选择几件事表现一个人物参考题目 1、我逐渐了解了他 2、好班长 3、“傻子”不傻二三事 4、奶奶的手训练提要这个单元的写作训练,其要求有两个含义: 其一,写人为主,是写一人,不是写多人。其二,写几件事来表现一个人,不是写一件或两件。不理解这两个旨意,就不能写出合乎要求的文章。而要达到上述要求,关键是要解决“如何选择、安排和记述多件事例来表现一个人物”这一难题。要解决这个难点,应注意以下几点: (1)把握选材与剪材之“尺”。何谓选材与剪材之“尺”呢?你所要刻画的作品中的主人公的品格以及通过这个人物而表现的主题便是。当你阅读了写作要求,确定了写作对象之后,随之要考虑的是:你要描述一个具有怎样品格的人?从而确定你心目中的这把选材之尺。如,要写“好班长”这道题,确定写班长的“勤奋苦学、严
Composition Scope Writing a Narrative Composition Focused on Characters Requires Centering on the Center Selecting Several Things to Display a Character Reference Questions 1. I gradually learned about him 2. A good squad leader 3. “Stupid man” is not a silly man. 3. Grandma’s hand The writing training of this unit of the training summary requires two meanings: First, writers are mainly writers, not writers. Second, write a few things to represent a person, not writing one or two pieces. Without understanding these two goals, you cannot write articles that meet the requirements. To achieve the above requirements, the key is to solve the problem of “how to select, arrange, and describe multiple cases to represent one person”. To solve this difficulty, we should pay attention to the following points: (1) Grasp the “foot” of materials and cutting materials. What is the “foot ruler” of material selection and cutting materials? The character of the protagonist in the work you are portraying and the theme expressed through this person are. After you have read the writing requirements and decided on the object of writing, what is to be considered is: What do you want to describe a person with a character? This will determine your choice of material in your mind. For example, to write the title of “good monitor,” determine the “hard work and discipline