本文报告1例胰腺体尾部腺癌广泛浸润蔓延引起小肠节段性缩窄的罕见病例,临床表现为不完全性肠梗阻,生前经多种检查不能确诊。兹介绍本例病变特点,并对引起肠缩窄的机理略加探讨。 一、病史摘要 患者男,66岁,干部,因上腹部疼痛阵发性加剧伴呕吐入本校附属协和医院。既往曾患肺结核、黄疸性肝炎,经治疗痊愈。住院检查:心肺(一),腹软,脐左侧及上腹压痛,肠鸣音稍活跃;肝、脾无明显肿大,无黄疸,不发热。入院后多次进行
This article reports a rare case of wide infiltrate of pancreatic body adenocarcinoma causing small intestine constriction of the small intestine, clinical manifestations of incomplete intestinal obstruction, can not be confirmed by multiple examinations before birth. This article describes the characteristics of the lesions in this case and discusses the mechanism that causes bowel narrowing. First, the medical history summary The patient male, 66 years old, the cadre, because of epigastric pain is paroxysmal increase accompanied vomiting to join the school affiliated Union Hospital. He once suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and jaundice hepatitis and healed after treatment. Inpatient examination: cardiopulmonary (1), abdominal soft, tenderness on the left side of the umbilicus and upper abdominal, and mild bowel sounds; no obvious enlargement of liver and spleen, no jaundice, no fever. Many times after admission