瓷焕光彩 精品荟萃——凤翔县博物馆精品瓷器赏析

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凤翔位于关中平原西部,曾经是陕西西府的政治、经济、文化中心,是历史上通往西北的交通枢纽和丝绸之路的重要驿站。这里商贾云集,物流丰富,是西府的商品集散地。近年来,县境内屡屡出土古代瓷器,在民间也多有发现,所出土的各种瓷器细腻润泽,美奂光彩,件件珍贵,引起文物界和收藏爱好者的普遍关注。凤翔县博物馆收藏瓷器文物200余件,主要有壶、灯、枕、盆、盒、碗、罐、注子、碟等。这些瓷器均来源于社会征集和县境内出土,以宋代居多,元、明、清时代均有。馆藏的金元时期瓷器主要是当地烧制,2009年全国文物普查时,在北部山区的青渠河东岸发现一处面积约50000 Located in the west of the Guanzhong Plain, Fengxiang used to be the political, economic and cultural center of the west of Shaanxi Province. It is also an important post station of the transportation hub to the northwest and the Silk Road in history. Merchants gathered here, rich logistics, is the West’s commodity distribution center. In recent years, the county repeatedly unearthed ancient porcelain, also found in many folk, unearthed porcelain exquisite moist, magnificent, precious pieces, causing a general concern of the cultural relics and collectors. Fengxiang County Museum collection of more than 200 pieces of porcelain artifacts, there are pots, lamps, pillows, pots, boxes, bowls, cans, stubs, dishes and so on. These porcelain are derived from social solicitation and unearthed in the county territory, most of the Song Dynasty, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties have. During the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, porcelain was mainly produced locally. When the National Cultural Relics Survey was conducted in 2009, an area of ​​about 50,000 was found on the east bank of Qingqu River in the northern mountains
目的 探讨鼻咽癌放疗后放射性中耳炎新的治疗手段.方法 回顾性分析2013年7月至2016年1月因鼻咽癌放疗后被确诊为放射性中耳炎,在赣南医学院第一附属医院分别采用两种不同方法
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【目的】了解超声波结合气调包装处理对番石榴贮藏品质及生理的影响,为番石榴采后贮藏保鲜提供参考依据。【方法】以珍珠番石榴为试验材料,分别用超声波(频率40 kHz,输出功率360