代数学是基础科学数学的一个分支,群论则又是代数学的一个基本组成部分。群论在各个数学分支、其它基础科学和应用科学中都有广泛的和重要的应用。近年来,在高校教育和科研中逐步得到了重视和发展,学习和研究群论的人逐渐增多。但中文出版的群论著作还很少,译本仅有三:(日)园正造著《群论》(解放前出版),(苏)库洛什著《群论》上册(“文革”前出版)和(美)霍尔著《群论》(新近出版);我国自己的著作,要到1982年底才将出版张远达的《有限群》。上述四种《群论》,都是篇幅较长、内容较多的著作。 西南师范学院陈重穆教授等,在其多年研究和讲授群论的基础上,编写了《有限群论基础》一书,并曾以讲义形式试用和修改过该书两次,重庆出版社将于83年5月出版。该书的特点是少而精,具有如下的编写特色:
Algebra is a branch of basic science mathematics, group theory is an essential part of algebra. Group theory has a wide range of important applications in various branches of mathematics, other basic sciences and applied sciences. In recent years, gradual attention and development have been obtained in higher education and research, and the number of people studying and researching groups has been gradually increasing. However, there are still only a few group works written in Chinese, with only three versions translated: (Japanese) Park is making “group theory” (before liberation), (library) And (the United States) Hall “group theory” (recently published); our own book, until the end of 1982 will be published Zhang Yuanda’s “limited group.” The above four kinds of “group theory” are longer, more books. Southwest Teachers College, Professor Chen Zhongmu, etc., in its many years of research and teaching group based on the preparation of “limited group theory,” a book, and in the form of handouts to try and modify the book twice, Chongqing Publishing House will be 83 Published in May. The book is characterized by few and fine, with the following writing features: