一、将《文化部涉外文化艺术表演及展览管理规定》第六条修改为:文化部负责全国涉外文化艺术表演及展览活动的归口管理和宏观调控,行使下列职权: (一)统筹安排和组织实施国家级涉外文化艺术表演及展览活动计划;
1. Modify Article 6 of the “Regulations of the Ministry of Culture concerning the Administration of Foreign Cultural and Artistic Performances and Exhibitions” as follows: The Ministry of Culture is responsible for centralized management and macro-control of the performances and exhibitions of foreign-related arts and cultural activities in the country and exercises the following powers: (1) To make overall arrangements and organize Implementation of national foreign cultural and artistic performances and exhibition activities plan;