
来源 :中国工业医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sketchupbim
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采用定群观察寿命表法,即由定群寿命表法计算的死于尘肺及与尘肺有关并发症的观察时间别病死率,用现时寿命表法,研究并发肺结核对矽肺期望寿命的影响。研究对象来自某钨矿1956~1991年间定诊为矽肺结核及定诊矽肺后曾并发过肺结核的患者,并以该矿单纯矽肺为对照。结果显示:定诊矽肺后结核组最终死于尘肺及尘肺并发症的平均寿命为14.19年,非结核组为23.85年;矽肺患者因曾并发过肺结核损失平均寿命9.66年,不并发肺结核可使矽肺的平均寿命(病程)增加68.08%。提示防止并发肺结核是尘肺第三级预防的重点。本文还对定群观察寿命表法的原理、应用进行讨论,并与部分文献用寿命表对尘肺期望寿命研究的方法结果进行比较。 The population-based life-table method was used to study the effect of pulmonary tuberculosis on the life expectancy of silicosis with the current life table method. The mortality of pneumoconiosis and pneumoconiosis-related complications was calculated by the population age-table method. The object of study was from a tungsten mine who had been diagnosed as silicotic pulmonary tuberculosis and diagnosed with silicosis after 1956 ~ 1991 and had pulmonary tuberculosis. The silicosis of the mine was used as a control. The results showed that: the final diagnosis of post-silicosis group eventually died of tuberculosis pneumoconiosis and pneumoconiosis complications of life expectancy was 14.19 years, non-tuberculosis group was 23.85 years; silicosis patients had concurrent pulmonary tuberculosis loss of life expectancy 9.66 years, Not complicated with tuberculosis can make the average life expectancy of silicosis (duration) increased 68.08%. Tips to prevent concurrent pulmonary tuberculosis is the focus of tertiary prevention of pneumoconiosis. This article also discusses the principle and application of the statistic method for life expectancy, and compares it with the results obtained from some literature on the life expectancy of pneumoconiosis.
[摘要] 语言是人们按一定规则进行思维、表达意思、交流思想的工具,是社会交际的重要载体。教师工作的重要内容,就是使用规范、准确、精炼的课堂语言与学生交流互动,使学生达到理想的听课状态。在音乐教学中,除音乐本身具有的音响语言功能外,教师语言艺术化更能突出音乐教学的美学特征。  [关键词] 音乐教师 课堂语言 艺术美    中小学音乐教师的基本教学任务有两项:一是培养和发展少年儿童的音乐能力和音乐技能