Numerical Study of Effects of Mach number on Aerodynamic Performance of Large Enthalpy Drop Stationa

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whitesharke
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Based on the method to change blade loading type along blade height, that is, applying aft-loading at both end zones of cascade while applying fore-loading in the mid zone of cascade, HTC(Harbin Turbine Company) designed a twisted and bowed stationary cascade with low aspect ratio and large enthalpy drop. To verify the aerodynamic performance of such cascade, firstly, low-speed wind tunnel tests were conducted to validate the calculation results of commercial software CFX, and then numerical simulations were made for the aerodynamic performance of the cascade at different Mach numbers. The simulation results show that the large enthalpy drop stationary cascade designed by HTC can offer good aerodynamic performance while keeping its high-load characteristics in the change range of outlet Mach number as stated in this paper. Based on the method to change blade loading type along blade height, that is, applying aft-loading at both end zones of cascade while applying fore-loading in the mid zone of cascade, HTC (Harbin Turbine Company) designed a twisted and bowed stationary cascade with low aspect ratio and large enthalpy drop. To verify the aerodynamic performance of such cascade, first, low-speed wind tunnel tests were conducted to validate the calculation results of commercial software CFX, and then numerical simulations were made for the aerodynamic performance of the cascade at different Mach numbers. The simulation results show the large enthalpy drop stationary cascade designed by HTC can offer good aerodynamic performance while keeping its high-load characteristics in the change range of outlet Mach number as stated in this paper.
月月是个特别内向的孩子,很少与同学交流,课堂上不会主动举手。晨读时,月月举起手,嘴撅得老高,怯怯地对我说:“老师,我的回执找不到了……”“你带了吗?”我追问。“我带了!”她明显有些着急。“那你再找一找,好吗?”我安慰她。过了一会儿,她又过来告诉我,她确实没找到。我还没来得及再安慰她,上课铃响了,月月不得不挪回座位。  课上,我注意到月月比往常情绪更低落。练习时,我有意走到她身边,还没等我开口,她却
近年来,学校对语文课程改革进行了一系列探索,不断研究开发新课程,旨在通过课堂实践活动调动学生的学习兴趣,培养学生学科素养,提升综合能力,落实学校提出的“幸福素养教育”。  我积极参与学校开设的戏剧课程,并不断思考:怎样在戏剧课程中充分调动学生的兴趣,同时培养学生各方面素养,达到互相支撑、相互迁移的效果呢?我选取了《城南旧事》一书,结合整本书阅读进行了一节剧本创编课的尝试。  根据《城南旧事》的叙述
日本兵库县神崎郡福崎町是日本民俗学家柳田国男的诞生地,在柳田故居附近有个铃之森神社,据说是柳田国男幼时常来玩耍嬉戏的地方。笔者前些年去参观柳田故居时,我意外地发现了一块题为“董永”的彩画匾额。匾额上画的是仙姬送子的场面,但构思巧妙,立意深刻,蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,值得与大家分享。  用以还愿的“董永”匾额  铃之森神社的“董永”匾额是天保十四年(1843年)的作品,虽然已经过了170多年的岁月,但
【摘要】:阅读课中的词汇教学一直是广大教师较为困惑的问题,许多教师只侧重于学生阅读策略与技巧的培养,而忽略了词汇教学,形成了舍本逐末的现象。只有拥有了足够多的词汇,才有可能谈策略与技巧。本文就如何在阅读课中教学词汇提出了自已的观点,面对生词,要有取舍,要有精讲与泛讲,要从音形义、构词法,英英、中英解释等方面进行细分析,在课堂上进行高频复现,让学生加深记忆。  【关键词】:词汇教学;取舍有道;高频复