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李冰,1984年7月毕业于西安公路交通大学(现长安大学)工程机械专业,获工学学士学位,1988年6月获西安公路交通大学工程机械专业工学硕士学位,1999年考入西安公路交通大学攻读博士研究生。曾任西安公路交通大学筑机系副主任,现任三一重工总经理助理,三一研究院院长。采访手记:李冰从美国考察归来的两天后,2002年8月18日(星期天)下午2点。上海三湘饭店。采访刚要开始,李冰的女儿打来电话,说家里还是没来电,李冰这才记起前一天太太的嘱咐,只好打电话委托朋友给解决。电气化时代,李冰家里可以没有电,但心里不能没有书,从《第五项修练》到《论语别裁》、《企业家的精神》、《战略管理》、《死去活来》。几年里,李冰读了大量的书,读了各个门类的书。一本书可以改变一个人,一本书也可以丰盈一个人。我有幸翻阅了李冰的随记,厚厚的笔记本真实地记录了李冰从大学教师到企业管理者的心路历程,记录了一个中年人对生命、对世界的感悟,字里行间跳跃着思想的火花,折射出的是思考者的灵性。深邃的思想,精确的哲理,李冰又何尝不是一本书呢?翻开这本书,相信每个人都会被深深地吸引。 Li Bing graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University of Communications (now Chang’an University) with a bachelor’s degree in engineering in July 1984 and obtained a master’s degree in engineering and mechanical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University of Communications in June 1988. In 1988, he was admitted to Xi’an Jiaotong University PhD student. Served as Xi’an Jiaotong University, vice president of construction machinery, the current Sany Heavy Industry Assistant General Manager, Trinity Research Institute. Interview Notes: Two days after Li Bing returned from his visit to the United States, the afternoon of August 18, 2002 (Sunday) at 2 p.m. Shanghai Sanxiang Hotel. Interview was just about to begin. Li Bing’s daughter called and said she still did not call at home. Li Bing just remembered the wife’s advice the day before and had to call and entrust her friend to solve the problem. In the era of electrification, Li Bing can not have electricity in his home, but his heart can not live without books. From the fifth practitioner to the Analects of Confucius, the entrepreneurial spirit, strategic management and death. In a few years, Li Bing read a large number of books, read various categories of books. A book can change a person, a book can also enrich one person. I was fortunate enough to read through the notes of Li Bing. The thick notebook truly recorded the mentality of Li Bing from university teachers to business managers, and recorded the middle-aged people’s perception of life and the world, the sparks and reflections Out of the spirituality of the thinker. Deep thinking, precise philosophy, Li Bing and why not a book? Open the book, I believe everyone will be deeply attracted.