Jiangxi drama traditional drama “duffling wife” (aka “dumbfrog”), out of the Ming Dynasty Yiyang cavity “Head of Lotus” in a fold. There are some special tricks for the show’s performance. It is an actor on the stage while playing the role of the old man and crazy paralyzed female (actor’s head, upper body as a young woman, lumbar lick a pair of fake women’s football. Head, upper body as a puppet, Department of actor predecessor, the old man’s false arms, hold the young woman’s fake hip, back shape). With this combination of very harmonic tone shape of the performance of the two figures of different ages, gender, personality, make the audience feel novelty and fun. Thus Hundreds of years, Yiyang chamber “dude Fupai wife” performance, spread in the theatrical scene is not bad. Sibling drama “Snow Li Mei”, “dumbbell” there is a similar performance. In recent years, this technique of acting has been absorbed by the performances of other operas. Jiangxi Opera first actress Yang Gui Xian Xian “Maddu pack wife” has forty