老鹰和母鸡(俄罗斯) 按抽签结果,一个队派一代表做鹰,另一队做母鸡。母鸡们排成纵队,排尾是一个小鸡,后面人抱住前面人的腰。听信号鹰设法触到小鸡。母鸡们则随时面对鹰并拦截其去路。老鹰每碰到一次小鸡得一分。二分钟后两队互换角色。触到小鸡次数多的获胜。母鸡和小鸡不能松开手,否则鹰方得一分。游戏可稍作变化:被触到的排尾退出比赛,游戏结束时留下人数较多的获胜。羊拐子(俄罗斯) 两队,每队3人,在平坦的场地(8×4米)上进行。距一端线2米处画一投
Eagle and hen (Russia) According to the results of the lottery, one team sent a representative to do the eagle and the other team to do the hen. The hens are lined up, the tail is a chick, and the back hugs the waist of the person in front. Listen to the seabirds trying to touch the chicks. Hens face hawks and intercept their way at any time. The eagle gets one point for each chick hit. Two minutes after the two teams exchange roles. Hit the chickens more wins. Hens and chicks can not let go of hands, otherwise the Hawk gets one point. The game may change slightly: the tail-end that is touched exits the game, leaving a larger number of wins at the end of the game. Sheep kid (Russia) two teams, each team of three, on a flat field (8 × 4 meters) on. 2 meters away from one end of the line draw a vote