Evaluation of the use of rapid urease test:Pronto Dry to detect H pylori in patients with dyspepsia

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsxiaomo
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AIM: To evaluate Pronto Dry examination in patients with dyspepsia. METHODS: The study was conducted in patients with dyspepsia who underwent endoscopic examination in several endoscopic centers of several cities in Indonesia from January 2003 until April 2004. Biopsies for histo- pathologic examination were fixed with formalin and sent to Histopathologic Department to be analyzed and confirm the presence of H pylori infection. If H pylori was found positive, the density was calculated semi quanti- tatively. Histopathologic examination from gastric biopsy samples was interpreted based on the updated Sydney system classification. RESULTS: Of 550 patients, 309 (56%) were male and 241 (44%) were female with ages ranging from 15 to 82 years. Mean age was 44.98 ± 14.46 years. Mean age of male patients was 44.35 ± 13.85 years and mean age of female patients was 45.78 ± 15.19 years. Evaluation of endoscopic results showed gastric ulcer in 36 cases (6.5%) and duodenal ulcer in 20 cases (3.6%). Normal endoscopic finding was found in 45 cases (8.2%) and minimal disorder of gastritis and duodenitis were found in 246 cases (44.7%). One case of gastric cancer was identified. Of 56 cases which were positive based on the criteria used, 39 patients were positive with Pronto Dry and 17 patients were negative with Pronto Dry. Overall sensitivity and specificity of Pronto Dry were 69.7% and 95.7% respectively. Positive predictive value was 66.1% and negative predictive value was 96.4% and overall ac- curate rate was 92.9%. CONCLUSION: Pronto Dry seems promising as a diag- nostic tool to detect H pylori more rapidly and accurately. AIM: To evaluate Pronto Dry examination in patients with dyspepsia. METHODS: The study was conducted in patients with dyspepsia who underwent endoscopic examination in several endoscopic centers of several cities in Indonesia from January 2003 until April 2004. Biopsies for histo- pathologic examination were fixed If H pylori was found positive, the density was calculated semi quanti- tatively. Histopathologic examination from gastric biopsy samples was interpreted on the updated Sydney system classification Mean age was 44.98 ± 14.46 years. Mean age of male patients was 44.35 ± 13.85 years. RESULTS: Of 550 patients, 309 (56%) were male and 241 (44%) were female with ages ranging from 15 to 82 years. Mean age of female patients was 45.78 ± 15.19 years. Evaluation of endoscopic results showed gastric ulcer in 36 cases (6.5%) and duodenal ulcer in 20 cases (3.6 Of the 56 cases which had positive findings on gastric cancer were found in 45 cases (8.2%) and minimal disorder of gastritis and duodenitis were found in 246 cases (44.7%). Overall, sensitivity and specificity of Pronto Dry were 69.7% and 95.7% respectively. Positive predictive value was 66.1% and negative predictive value was 96.4% and overall ac- curate rate was 92.9%. CONCLUSION: Pronto Dry seems promising as a diag- nostic tool to detect H pylori more rapidly and accurately.
西门子的能源和环境服务令美丽的亚麻尽情编织更加美丽的生活。仅靠6 t/h锅炉的热力系统及冷凝水节能改造项目,浙江金元亚麻有限公司便实现热力系统年节煤率15%,年节电率26%,
现已查明,苏联百余种动物中有旋毛虫病。约30%的褐熊,45%的狸、狐狸和獾高度感染此病。自然株旋毛虫使人得病后的临床特点是常见皮肤和腹部症状。本病多数由食用獾肉所致。 I