报道了一种符合工业应用的国产化大功率固体激光加工系统。大功率连续Nd∶YAG激光器采用对称放置方式四棒串接谐振腔,得到大于2100 W的稳定功率输出,光束参数积24 mm·mard,系统总光电转换效率达到3.5%;激光器的输出激光采用芯径600μm的光纤传输。对激光加工系统的关键问题进行了分析,包括大功率固体激光器在保证光束质量的条件下大功率输出、高效率光纤耦合输出、适应加工要求的控制系统等。研制的系统在实际应用中表明:加工系统稳定、可靠,操作方便,可与机械手、机床等外设联接,满足工业应用的要求。
Reported a high-power solid-state laser processing system in line with industrial applications. The high power continuous Nd: YAG laser adopts the symmetrical placement mode of four-bar serial resonant cavity to obtain a stable power output of more than 2100 W with a beam parameter product of 24 mm · mard and a total system photoelectric conversion efficiency of 3.5%. The output laser of the laser adopts a core Fiber diameter 600μm transmission. The key problems of the laser processing system are analyzed, including high power solid state laser with high power output under high beam quality, high efficiency fiber coupled output and control system to meet the machining requirements. The developed system shows in practice that the processing system is stable, reliable and easy to operate. It can be connected with peripherals such as robots and machine tools to meet the requirements of industrial applications.