Friction press with rotating disk pressure on the flywheel flange friction, drive flywheel rotation, and the slider to achieve reciprocating motion. At present, the calculation method of the friction press is so different, the key lies in how to calculate the horizontal component and the vertical component of the friction disk of the flywheel. According to the analysis of the Soviet Union Jiming, the friction force acting on the flywheel is β = 45 ° with the horizontal plane, so the horizontal component and the vertical component are equal to the dynamic sliding friction coefficient μ times the positive pressure P_x; Zales The angle β is changed from 90 ° to 0 °, and the horizontal and vertical components of the friction are both μ (P_x) / 2. According to [1], it is pointed out that the angle β between the friction and the horizontal plane is very small. Therefore, With the calculation, the vertical component of friction f can be neglected, but the horizontal component