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适足住房权是指公民有权获得可负担得起的适宜于人类居住的、有良好的物质设备和基础服务设施的、具有安全、健康和尊严,并不受歧视的住房的权利。它主要包括:居住权、安全与健康权(或称舒适权)、住宅公平权、住宅隐私权、住房选择偏好权、住宅救济权以及住宅不受侵犯权和自由处分的权利。人权实现与国家义务之间存在密切的内在关联,对于人权的实现国家既具有消极义务,更具有积极义务。我国政府在公民适足住房权实现上具有不可推卸的义务,应从尊重、保护、促进和实现四个方面对国家义务进行分析,使之具有较强的体系性和可行性。 The right to adequate housing means the right of citizens to have affordable, affordable housing that is safe, healthy and dignified, and that is free from discrimination, with good material and physical infrastructure and basic service facilities. It mainly includes: Right to reside, safety and health (or comfort), right to housing fairness, residence privacy, right of housing choice, right of residential remedy, right of infringement and free disposal of residence. There is a close internal connection between the realization of human rights and the state’s obligations, and it has both negative obligations and positive obligations for the realization of human rights. Our government has the unshirkable obligation to realize the civil right of housing. It is necessary to analyze the state obligations from the four aspects of respect, protection, promotion and realization so as to make it more systematic and feasible.
摘要:演讲和辩论是能够融合多种教学方法和手段,充分调动学生的积极性、主动性和创造性,激发学生学习热情,能够很好适应国际经济法特点的复合式教学方法。笔者以自己的教学实践为例,就如何在国际经济法教学活动中组织演讲与辩论,以及如何将二者与其他教学方法配合使用进行了探讨。  关键词:演讲与辩论;国际经济法;教学运用  中图分类号:D912.29文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4117(2011)04-0
《围城》中有一段描写方鸿渐去韩学愈家做客,韩学愈夫妇吃饭前学基督徒默念,感谢上帝赐饭给他们吃。于是方鸿渐在内心感叹,中国人没有什么神可以拿来感激一下。  与信基督教的西方人和信伊斯兰教的阿拉伯人相比,绝大多数中国人似乎没有什么坚定的宗教信仰。可是要说我们没有神,那就大错特错了,我们中国人的神数量之多足以申报吉尼斯世界纪录,大到玉皇大帝,小到门神、灶神,甚至连污秽之地的厕所也有厕神,也许因为神太多,