妊娠高血压综合征(简称妊高征)是产科中最常见的疾病之一,严重地影响着孕产妇身体健康及胎儿宫内的生长发育。妊高征的病理生理变化为全身小血管痉挛性收缩,严重可致血压急剧升高,并发高血压脑病。为了预防血压过高,适当的应用降压药物是必要的。3年来我院采用心痛定治疗妊高征效果观察如下。1资料和方法1.1 一般资料:从1992年12月~1995年12月.选择妊高征住院孕妇60例.分两组:观察组30例,年龄在24~35岁。胎次:第一胎27例,第二胎3例,孕龄(胎龄)28~41周。程度:中度16例,重度;先兆子痫12例.子痫2例。对照组30例,均为随机选择,在年龄、胎次、胎龄及妊高征分度上无统计学差异。1.2方法:观察组:心痛定10mg舌下含化,若20分钟后Bp≥21.5/14kPa,在20~40分钟后再给10mg含化。以后每6小时10mg,直至血压稳定在17.3/12kPa或以下。若重症病人血压持续21.5/14.7kPa,
Pregnancy-induced hypertension (referred to as PIH) is one of the most common obstetric diseases, seriously affecting the maternal health and fetal growth and development. PIH pathophysiological changes to small spasmodic systemic contraction, can lead to severe acute blood pressure, complicated by hypertensive encephalopathy. In order to prevent high blood pressure, appropriate use of antihypertensive drugs is necessary. 3 years of our hospital using nifedipine treatment of pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome effect is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information: From December 1992 to December 1995. Pregnancy-induced pregnancy induced hypertension in 60 cases, divided into two groups: the observation group of 30 patients, aged 24 to 35 years. Fetal time: the first child in 27 cases, the second child in 3 cases, gestational age (gestational age) 28 to 41 weeks. Degree: moderate in 16 cases, severe; preeclampsia in 12 cases, eclampsia in 2 cases. Control group of 30 patients were randomly selected, age, parity, gestational age and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome no significant difference. 1.2 Methods: The observation group: 10mg of nifedipine sublingual, if 20 minutes after Bp ≥ 21.5 / 14kPa, in 20 to 40 minutes and then give 10mg containing. After every 6 hours 10mg, until the blood pressure stabilized at 17.3 / 12kPa or below. If critically ill patients with blood pressure continued 21.5 / 14.7kPa,