在上杭才溪乡调查纪念馆里,陈列着一本1934年1月出版的毛泽东著作《才溪乡调查》,出版者是当年苏维埃中央政府出版处处长黄亚光。 黄亚光是福建长汀人,早年在日本高等农林学校留学时就读过《共产党宣言》,开始倾向革命。1924年毕业回国后,开始在集美学校任教,半年后回到家乡长汀,在省立第七中学当教员,创办了《长汀月刊》,宣传革命思想,组织学生爱国运动。1927
In Shangxi Township investigation memorial hall, there was a book published in January 1934, Mao Zedong’s “Cai Township Survey”, published by the Soviet Central Government Publishing House then Director Huang Yaguang. Huang Yasuhito, a native of Changting, Fujian Province, had read the “Communist Manifesto” when he studied abroad at Japan’s higher agriculture and forestry schools in the early years and began to favor the revolution. After graduating from China in 1924, he began to teach in Jimei School and returned to his hometown Changting six months later. He was a teacher in the provincial seventh high school and founded the “Changting Monthly” to promote revolutionary ideas and organize student patriotic movements. 1927