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深度翻译能帮我们解答译本正文无法回答的问题。卫礼贤/贝恩斯的《周易》英译本自出版之日就备受好评,时至今日,Amazon读者评论依旧赞誉声一片。研究认为,这与译者的深度翻译紧密相关。本文对译本深度翻译进行了考察、分析,研究发现:1)文本外深度翻译,译者的读者定位对译本接受具有导向性;体例的说明以及附录、索引方便读者使用;将“可理解性”设为翻译目标,极大程度消除了读者困惑;荣格撰写的前言令读者对译本产生极大的兴趣;2)文本内深度翻译,译者强调易学之用,花大量笔墨阐发了易学的哲学与智慧。Amazon网站的读者评论可证明阐发性评论对西方读者产生了现实、现世意义。质言之,文本内、外深度翻译相互补充与照应,共同使译本成为中国典籍英译本中备受欢迎的一个。 Deep translation can help us to answer the question that the text of the translation can not be answered. Wei Li Yin / Baines’s “Book of Changes” English translation has been well received since the publication of the date, Amazon readers comments still praise. According to the research, this is closely related to the translator’s deep translation. In this paper, the deep translation of translations are investigated, analyzed and the findings are as follows: 1) Deep translation outside the texts, and the reader’s orientation of the translators to be guided by the translations. The illustrations and appendixes of the translations are convenient for readers to use; "As the target of translation, to a great extent to eliminate the reader confusion; Jung’s foreword to make readers have a great interest in the translation; 2) depth translation of the text, the translator emphasizes the use of easy to learn, Philosophy and wisdom. Readers’ comments on the Amazon Web site can demonstrate that analytical comments have a realistic, contemporary meaning to Western readers. As a matter of fact, the translation of texts, both inside and outside, complements and illuminates each other, making the translated version a popular one in the English versions of Chinese classics.
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