
来源 :刑法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LIU73558109
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情绪所反映的许多方面对刑罚的裁量都具有重要影响。正常的情绪对量刑根据具有重要影响。考虑到情绪对量刑具有的重要影响,域外许多国家和地区的刑法典都将情绪规定为法定的量刑情节。但也有个别刑法典明确规定情绪不能成为影响量刑的因素。从域外刑法典规定的作为量刑情节的情绪类型上看,将作为量刑情节的情绪类型限定为“强烈的愤怒或者其他强烈的消极情绪”之立法模式更为合适。我国刑法典中没有关于情绪作为量刑情节的规定,但被害人过错和犯罪动机都可在一定程度上反映出情绪对量刑的影响。我国应当在刑法立法中明确地将“强烈的愤怒或者其他强烈的消极情绪”规定为法定的量刑情节。 Many aspects reflected by emotions have a significant impact on the discretion of penalties. Normal emotions have a significant impact on sentencing grounds. In view of the important influence of emotion on sentencing, the criminal code in many countries and regions outside the region defines the sentiment as a statutory sentencing circumstance. However, there are also individual penal codes that clearly stipulate that emotions can not become a factor that affects sentencing. Judging from the types of emotions stipulated in the extraterritorial penal code as the circumstances of the sentencing, it is more appropriate to limit the type of emotions as the sentencing circumstances to the model of “intense anger or other strong negative emotions.” There is no stipulation about the emotion as the circumstances of the sentencing in our country’s criminal code, but the fault of the victim and the motive of the crime can all reflect the influence of emotion on sentencing to a certain extent. Our country should explicitly stipulate the “strong anger or other strong negative emotions” in the criminal law legislation as the statutory sentencing circumstances.
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