Thirty Years of Tremendous Changes in the PLA

来源 :Contemporary International Relations | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edgeofsky
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At the beginning of the reform and opening-up movement, national defence and military construction were subordinated to economic development.With the strengthening of China’s economic power,the national strategy has changed to coordinating national defence and military construction with economic development. The PLA’s role has expanded from resisting foreign aggression and safeguarding internal security and stability to maintaining world peace and promoting shared development.With China playing an increasingly important role on the world stage,the PLA now vigorously participates in activities aimed at regional and global peace and stability. At the beginning of the reform and opening-up movement, national defense and military construction were subordinated to economic development .With the strengthening of China’s economic power, the national strategy has changed to coordinating national defense and military construction with economic development. The PLA’s role has expanded from resisting foreign aggression and safeguarding internal security and stability to maintaining world peace and promoting shared development.With China playing an important important role on the world stage, the PLA now vigorously participates in activities aimed at regional and global peace and stability.
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