Plot summary: The movie “no problem” about the rear of the 1940s Chongqing, a rich tree farm produce but always lose money, as a farmer’s Dingyuan source deal with all kinds of people, smoothly handling the farm Size things. After getting the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor with “No Problem”, Teacher Fan Wei said on the stage: “This is a very easy to overlook film, very light, very light performance. Special thanks Judging patience to see its beauty. ”“ Light ”is the pursuit of Mei Feng director aesthetic style, want to understand the beauty of this movie, it is necessary to read it “ light ”. Black and white photography, in the panoramic lens, showing a non-induced objective. Good people, bad people, do not make evaluations, the audience has its own judgments. Perhaps the old partner Lou Ye director of the evaluation of this film is more accurate - “new literary film.”