寒战是剖宫产术后常见的并发症之一。其发生可能与麻醉方式、术中用药、温度及孕妇自身因素等有关。寒战可以使机体的耗氧量成倍增加,导致低氧血症、心肌缺血的发生,严重者可使颅内压增高,甚至影响子宫收缩及使术后切口感染率增加。该文就目前剖宫产手术寒战的预防和治疗进展予以综述,探讨了预防和治疗寒战时所使用的心理安慰、物理保温及药物治疗等手段,并重点阐述了药物治疗中各类药物的优缺点。“,”Shivering after cesarean section is one of the most serious postoperative complications causing hyoxemia,myocardial ischemia,increased intracranial pressure and even influences uterine contraction and increases postoperative infection.Shivering after cesarean section is generally reported to be related to anes-thesia approach,intraoperative medication,temperature and state of the pregnant women.Here makes a brief summary on the prevention and treatment of shivering after cesarean section,including dispelling tension of the pregnant,physical therapy and medication,and the advantages and disadvantages of each medicine are summarized in detail.