
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zbblyd
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目的了解某学校发生流行性腮腺炎的特征,分析所采取的防治措施,为控制流行性腮腺炎流行提供科学依据。方法采用统一流行病学调查表,对该学校所有病例进行个案调查,对搜集的资料进行综合性分析。结果全校共有学生628人,发病25例,无死亡病例,学生总罹患率为3.98%。结论本次疫情是由流腮病毒引起的,大多数患病学生症状轻微,未能引起家长和学校教师的足够重视,故未能及时向疾控部门及时报告疫情;而学生正值青春发育期,学习紧张,来自农村,生活水平较低,容易发病。学校对学生健康教育传染病防控知识宣传不够,加上教室通风不良,一旦有传染源介入,很容易引起传染病暴发或流行;学生家长预防接种意识差,入学前未能及时为孩子完成全程疫苗接种,疫苗接种率低而未能形成有效的免疫屏障,这是本次疫情暴发的主要客观原因。建议学校加强传染病的报告管理工作,做到早发现早报告早隔离,加强卫生知识宣传教育,认真做好新生入学接种证查验补种工作,提高入疫苗接种率,形成有效的免疫保护屏障。 Objective To understand the characteristics of mumps in a school and analyze the prevention and treatment measures taken so as to provide a scientific basis for controlling the epidemic of mumps. Methods A unified epidemiological questionnaire was used to carry out a case investigation of all the cases in this school. The collected data were analyzed comprehensively. Results A total of 628 students in the school, the incidence of 25 cases, no deaths, the total student attack rate of 3.98%. Conclusions The outbreak was caused by mumps virus. Most of the sick students had minor symptoms, which failed to attract enough attention from parents and school teachers. Therefore, the epidemic situation was not promptly reported to the CDC. However, the students were in the midst of puberty , Learning stress, from rural areas, low standard of living, easy to disease. School health education on infectious disease prevention and control of propaganda is not enough, coupled with poor classroom ventilation, once the source of intervention, it is easy to cause outbreaks or epidemic of infectious diseases; poor parents of vaccination awareness, before the school failed to complete the full time for children Vaccination and vaccination rate is low and failed to form an effective immune barrier, which is the main objective of the outbreak of the epidemic. It is suggested that schools should strengthen the reporting management of infectious diseases so that early detection and early reporting of early detection and isolation can be carried out as early as possible. Publicity and education on hygiene knowledge can be strengthened. Earnestly, vaccination certificates for freshmen can be re-tested and replanted, and vaccination coverage can be increased to form an effective barrier to immune protection.
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