速生夏绿肥——乌豇豆,种植简单,肥效较高,留种容易,适于短期插种、套种。兹将我们几年来在这方面的试验作一介绍。一、一般性状乌豇豆是豇豆[Vigna sinensis(L)SaVi]中黑豇豆类的一种。一年生直立或半蔓性草本。叶形与一般菜用豇豆相似,但荚厚而纤维多。荚果长15厘米左右,向下垂。每荚10多粒种子。种子深紫或黑色。植株生长迅速,日平均温度在18℃以上时,种植40多天,每亩可收鲜草1,500斤左右,种植50多天,鲜草可达2,000多斤。乌豇豆较耐瘠,对肥料要求不高,在新平整的生土或新开垦的死黄土上,均能繁茂
Fast growing summer green manure - Wu cowpea, planting simple, high fertilizer efficiency, easy to stay, suitable for short-term intercropping, interplanting. I will introduce our experiments in this area for several years. First, the general characteristics of Wu cowpea cowpea [Vigna sinensis (L) SaVi] a black cowpea. Annual erect or semi-creeping herb. Leaf shape and general vegetables with cowpea similar, but the pods thick and fibrous. Pod about 15 cm long, drooping. More than 10 seeds per pod. Seeds dark purple or black. Plants grow rapidly, the average daily temperature above 18 ℃, the plant more than 40 days, 1,500 pounds per acre can receive fresh grass, planted more than 50 days, fresh grass up to 2,000 kilos. Wu cowpea is more resistant to barren, less demanding on fertilizer, in the new formation of fresh or newly reclaimed dead loess, can flourish