商店业绩由四大要素组成:来店总客数、购买者比例、平均购买件数和平均商品单价。其中任何一项要素提高,都可能提高经营业绩,若有2项要素同时提高,则有引乘效果。而要提高其中任何一项要素,可从下列8个途径来努力。 (1)位置探讨商店位置的目的,在于使顾客方便接近,以便与同行业竟争。开店地点会影响来店的总客数,应选在人口密集、居民增加迅
Store performance consists of four elements: the total number of customers to come, the proportion of buyers, the average number of purchases and the average unit price. Any one of the elements to improve, are likely to improve business performance, if there are two elements to improve at the same time, there is lead by multiply effect. To enhance any one of these elements, you can work from the following eight ways. (1) Location The purpose of the location of a store is to make it easier for customers to gain access to the competition in the industry. Shop location will affect the total number of visitors to the store, should be elected in densely populated, residents increased rapidly